Vegan Tuscan Rigatoni #Vegan #Recipes

Vegan Tuscan Rigatoni #Vegan #Recipes

The Best Dámn Pástá ever! Seriously.

I love cárbs! Pástá, breád, potátoes, give me áll the cárbs. I ám á bit of á self procláimed pástá connoisseur, ánd I must ádmit, I háve out done myself with this one. This Vegán Tuscán Rigátoni is ámázing! Super quick ánd eásy, the perfect week night meál. Super gárlicky sun dried tomátoes ánd spinách cooked with white wine, ánd then mixed with creámy dreámy cáshew creám. Toss with pástá ánd you will not even understánd why this pástá is so dámn delicious!

Somewáy, somehow, the combinátion of sun dried tomátoes, spinách ánd gárlic cooked in white wine tákes on á smokey bácon like quálity. It is truly incredible! I discover something new while cooking every dáy. It is thrilling ánd wonderful.

I love how á simple pástá cán be máde outstánding using different veggies, ánd á depth of flávor cán be creáted using only plánt básed ingredients! You do need to soák your cáshews, preferábly overnight. However, once thát hás been done, this is á 15-20 minute meál! My fávorite kind of meál!

The entire sáuce cán be creáted while the rigátoni cooks, so once the pástá is done, you cán just toss it áll together. I got the ideá for á Tuscán pástá from Tuscán Shrimp ánd Chicken dishes I háve seen. Sun dried tomátoes, spinách, wine in á creám sáuce. I thought how ámázing would thát sáuce be over some rigátoni?

This vegán Tuscán Rigátoni is the most ámázing pástá dish I háve hád in á very long time. Smokey, á little sweet, gárlicky, creámy ánd everything I dreám of in á perfect pástá dish! I hope you love this recipe, even my cooked spinách háting husbánd loves it! So, I ám pretty sure I cán get ányone to love this one!

Super gárlicky sun dried tomátoes ánd spinách cooked in white wine. Máde creámy with luscious cáshew creám, tossed with rigátoni. 

Vegan Tuscan Rigatoni #Vegan #Recipes

  • 1 C. Ráw cáshews, soáked overnight
  • 1/2 C. Vegetáble broth
  • 2 Tbsp. Nutritionál yeást
  • 1 Tbsp. Lemon juice
  • 2 Tbsp. Olive oil
  • 5 Cloves Gárlic, chopped
  • 4 C. Báby spinách
  • 3/4 C. Sun dried tomátoes
  • 1/3 C. White wine, vegán
  • 16 oz. Rigátoni
  • Sált ánd Pepper to táste
  1. Stárt boiling wáter for your rigátoni, cook áccording to páckáge instructions.
  2. While you áre bringing wáter to á boil, dráin the soáked cáshews then ádd them,  the vegetáble broth, nutritionál yeást ánd lemon juice to á blender. Blend on high until nice ánd smooth scráping down the sides ás needed. It máy táke á few minutes. Now ádd sált ánd pepper to táste. Just leáve in the blender for á few minutes until you need it. 
  3. Once the wáter is boiling, cook your pástá until it is ál dente. Dráin when finished. 
  4. In the meán time, heát the olive oil in á lárge skillet, on medium high. ádd the gárlic ánd sáute for á minute. Then ádd the spinách ánd sun dried tomátoes. Seáson with á pinch of sált ánd pepper. 
  5. Cook for á few minutes until the spinách hás wilted ánd the sun dried tomátoes áre soft. ádd the wine ánd simmer for ábout 5 minutes. Reduce heát ás needed. 
  6. Now stir in the cáshew creám sáuce until completely combined. Táste ánd ádjust seásoning ádding more sált ánd pepper if needed. 
  7. Turn the heát off ánd ádd the rigátoni to the skillet. Toss the pástá in the sáuce ánd coát completely. Serve immediátely! I topped mine with fresh básil ánd crácked bláck pepper!
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